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Erik SchmuckErik Schmuck, DiS.

Software Geo Location
Application programming and Internet services
Promotion of implementation
Audiovisual media services



Isaac Newton: "The wonderful arrangement and harmony of the cosmos would only originate in the plan of an almighty omniscient being.
This is and remains my greatest comprehension."

Isaac Newton: "Nádherné uspořádání harmonie vesmíru mohlo vzniknout jen podle plánů všemohoucí bytosti.
To je a zůstane mým posledním poznáním."



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We ask you to contribute to the collection for advanced localization of satellite images from space. | Wir bitten Sie, zur Sammlung zur fortgeschrittenen Lokalisierung von Satellitenbildern aus dem Weltraum beizutragen. | Nous vous demandons de contribuer à la collection pour la localisation avancée des images satellites depuis l'espace. | Le pedimos que contribuya a la colección para la localización avanzada de imágenes de satélite desde el espacio. | Просим вас внести свой вклад в сборник для продвинутой локализации спутниковых снимков из космоса. | 宇宙からの衛星画像の高度なローカリゼーションのためのコレクションに貢献していただきたいと思います。 | 我们请您为来自太空的卫星图像的高级本地化收集做出贡献。 | Žádáme vás, abyste přispěli do sbírky pro pokročilou lokalizaci satelitních snímků z vesmíru.


Holy man
Holy man
Nebula: Eta Carinae
Nebula: Eta Carinae

Scream - working title -
Scream - working title -
We will focus - Lets sketch
We will focus - Lets sketch

- working title -
- working title -

Eye of Sahara - Mauritania
Eye of Sahara - Mauritania
Idol - working title -
Idol - working title -

Heads - working title -
Heads - working title -
Head - working title -
Head - working title -

Planet MARS
Planet MARS
Pleiades Star Cluster
Pleiades Star Cluster

Deep Space Network

Deep Space Network

Deep Space Network

Helioviewer - Solar and heliospheric image visualization tool.

An open-source project for the visualization of solar and heliospheric data. It has an easy to use interface with various features. is an open-source project for the visualization of solar and heliospheric data. It has an easy to use interface which allows you to zoom, superimpose image layers, set layer opacity, and search earlier images by date.



To do our research at Berkeley SETI, we collect signals from radio telescopes around the world, and analyze the signals for signs of intelligent life. And without needing any specialist knowledge, you can help us with our data analysis.

SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as radio SETI, uses radio telescopes to listen for narrow-bandwidth radio signals from space. Such signals are not known to occur naturally, so a detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology.


MUFON - Mutual UFO Network

MUFON - Mutual UFO Network
World's oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation & research organization.

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